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00164228_4.jpgVerkocht artikelnr. 001116b Oosterse Danseres gesigneerd door AFFORTUNATO GORI (1895-1925) une danseuse orientale, bronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire878 viewsbronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire.
Estimate: 2,500 - 3,500
Description: AFFORTUNATO GORI (1895-1925)
Sculpture chryslphantine reprsentant une danseuse orientale, bronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire. Haute base en onyx. Signature incise "A. Gori".
Haut. 43cm - Larg. 17cm - Prof. 13cm
A chryselephantine sculpture representing a dancer, bronze with multiple patinas, onyx plinth. Incised signature.
Height 15 5/8 IN. - Width 8 1/4 IN. - Depth 5 1/8 IN.
bronze admin     (2 votes)

A__Gory_handtekening.jpgVerkocht artikelnr. 001116b Oosterse Danseres gesigneerd door AFFORTUNATO GORI (1895-1925) une danseuse orientale, bronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire730 views Estimate: 2,500 - 3,500
Description: AFFORTUNATO GORI (1895-1925)
Sculpture chryslphantine reprsentant une danseuse orientale, bronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire. Haute base en onyx. Signature incise "A. Gori".
Haut. 43cm - Larg. 17cm - Prof. 13cm
A chryselephantine sculpture representing a dancer, bronze with multiple patinas, onyx plinth. Incised signature.
Height 15 5/8 IN. - Width 8 1/4 IN. - Depth 5 1/8 IN.
bronze multiples patines, dores, mdaille, et noire.
admin     (2 votes)

17042014meubels_007.JPGartikelnr. 00663 Uiltje Keramiek 23,5 cm hoog: prijs 32,50 euro1038 views23,5 cm hoog, in nieuwstaat.admin     (2 votes)

22072016_007.JPGVerkocht artikelnr. 001130 Groot porseleinen beeld Kwan Yin748 viewsGroot gepolychromeerd Chinees porseleinen beeld van een biddende Kwan
Yin, hoogte 1 meter, en weegt wel wat.
Zeer mooie exemplaar, en helemaal in perfecte staat, met Oosterse Godin met mala.admin     (1 votes)

22072016_001.JPGVerkocht artikelnr. 001128b Bronzen beeld Krishna India775 viewsbrons: hoogte 36cm , fluit ontbreekt, verder in perfecte staat.admin     (1 votes)

06042016_012.JPGVerkocht artikelnr. 00852 ORIGINEEL Bronzen Beeld Gesigneerd Alfred Barye.fils ; Comedia Dellarte Bronze1008 viewsAlfred Barye "Le Fils" or Alf Barye (Paris, France, 21 January 1839 Paris, France, 1882) was an French sculptor, of the Belle poque, pupil of his father the artist Antoine-Louis Barye. In cooperation with mile-Coriolan Guillemin, Barye did the artwork for "The Arab Warrior Knight on Horseback". Included in Barye's oeuvre were animalier bronzes as well as Oriental subjects. At his father's request, he signed his work as "fils" to differentiate his work from his father's. hoogte/height: 37,5cm
COMEDIA Dadmin     (1 votes)

17042014meubels_004.JPGartikelnr. 00662 Uiltje Keramiek 20 cm hoog: prijs 34,501072 viewsin nieuwstaat, 20 cm hoogadmin     (1 votes)

schilderij2.jpgVerkocht artikelnr. 00611 Olieverf Stadsgezicht Schilderij807 viewsmet goudkleurige fraaie lijstadmin     (1 votes)

24augustus2012_008.jpgartikelnr. 00262 Masker Indonesisch/Afrikaans/Rasta etc. : prijs 90 euro1634 viewsmiddelste masker: 37.50 euro
masker links/rechts: 29.50 euro
alle 3 voor: 90 euroadmin     (1 votes)

24Juli2012_022.jpgartikelnr 00241 Lithogravure Den Haag: prijs 39 euro722 viewstoernooiveld Den Haag
31 x 40 cmadmin     (1 votes)

24Juli2012_061.jpgartikelnr 00236 Boerenlandschap met molen: prijs 49.50 euro864 viewsolieverf op paneel
32 x 26 cm
gesigneerd door Riitoadmin     (1 votes)

24Juli2012_040.jpgartikelnr 00232 Indonesisch Rijsveld: prijs 129 euro767 viewsschilderij 1.39m x 72 cm gesigneerd H. Sutisinghadmin     (1 votes)

00170904_2.jpgVerkocht artikelnr. 008521 Bronzen Beeld Alfred Barye.fils ; Comedia Dellarte Bronze.856 viewsAlfred Barye \\\"Le Fils\\\" or Alf Barye (Paris, France, 21 January 1839 Paris, France, 1882) was an French sculptor, of the Belle poque, pupil of his father the artist Antoine-Louis Barye. In cooperation with mile-Coriolan Guillemin, Barye did the artwork for \\\"The Arab Warrior Knight on Horseback\\\". Included in Barye\\\'s oeuvre were animalier bronzes as well as Oriental subjects. At his father\\\'s request, he signed his work as \\\"fils\\\" to differentiate his work from his father\\\'s. hoogadmin     (2 votes)